Backyard Adventures

By November 1, 2019freelancing

As you might or might not know, I do quite a lot of freelancing. The drawback of my type of freelancing is I don’t get any direct credit or allowed to talk about it.

However, today I can briefly mention a project I was part of which is about designing your own playground. For example, for a kinder garden, local park or something around those lines.

The project is still an ongoing project thought but the type of projects I am taking part in, and learning more from are not directly games for entertainment.

So you can start with a predefined design if you like similar to this image here:

Pre-Designed Sets

After clicking it you can then edit it with different props, depending on connection points and other settings that define what you can and can’t do.

Basic Set

As you click around the green dots you can choose the appropriate props to add.

Choices for the green selection dot

And you can keep adding, editing, moving them around and rotate around to view the potential masterpiece. This can then be ordered and created for real-life playgrounds.

Rotated view after adding a few things.

Do you want to try it out yourself? Click this link:

Let me know if you like it, feedback, or bugs.

Author amit

Amit is an experienced game developer and artist having worked as producer, level designer, game designer and lighting artist over the years. He also has long experience in entrepreneurship, business and investments. On top of that he has a huge amount of experience in education, teaching and mentorship.

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