It is a slow progress with our Workshop due to other commitment. But in this post, I will explain some of the early tests, adjustment and changes that we have done during my meeting with Nachi and myself. And then the basic block out I started doing for level design.

Adjusting the jump settings

One of the first thing we reacted on was the floating feeling of the jumping. So, we decided to figure out how to fix this. We basically adjusted individually settings and slowly we figured out a setting that worked. We didn’t know what every setting did and Himanshu ensured we had access to Gravity Scale this time around which was essential to tweaking the jumping. Eventually we figured out that Braking Deceleration Falling was the setting that gave the falling a more rapid speed.

Adjusting the Metric

Because we changed the jumping setting it affected the overall height and length. This meant we needed to adjust the test platforms and decide the minimum and maximum metrics for single jump, double jump and high + long jumps. To do this we added bigger objects and saw if we could jump over it, and if we could jump over it from higher elevation and so on.

Registration of the Metric

To ensure we got accurate numbers we went into side view and used the measurement tool to measure height, length and other details.

As we continued we made changes on the go. For example the height of the highest platform for double jump standing still.

And then later we changed the gap of the platforms the player can jump from.

After we finished these metrics we talked a bit about Supergrid which the plugin is we are using to do rapid level design. I won’t go into it here. But I will end with a video showing some of the early level design I did, I might explain by making a video next time. So be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel for those type of content.




Author amit

Amit is an experienced game developer and artist having worked as producer, level designer, game designer and lighting artist over the years. He also has long experience in entrepreneurship, business and investments. On top of that he has a huge amount of experience in education, teaching and mentorship.

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